Welcome to "One Man's Heart", thank you for stopping by. I hope you will be encouraged and stirred by the content. What you will find here are excerpts from the book of poetry that I hope to finish and publish one day, by the same title. I would love to see these poems available to thousands of believers across the country.
For as long as I can remember, I have been making up rhymes. Whenever something moves me or speaks to my heart, my mind responds with poetry. Unfortunately, until a few years ago, I never thought to save much of what I had written. Now, at this point in my life, it seems prudent to begin to journal these things so that the gift that God has given me might be a blessing to others down the road. With that in mind, I began this journaling journey that I have chosen to call “One Man’s Heart”. It truly is a work in progress, in more ways than one. My prayer is that something I have written might speak something special to someone else. I do want to make this one disclaimer, I am just a sinner saved by grace and I in no way see myself as some wise advisor on life and spiritual matters. These are only the thoughts and ponderings of one man’s heart, however, the scripture verses that are included are indeed the living Word of God and they are always profitable. I hope that you enjoy the poetry and that you are encouraged to walk closer to Christ. God bless you and thank you from the bottom of my heart.