Thursday, January 26, 2012

In His Hands...
This poem has been on my mind the past few days.  I have a friend who's 18 year old son left home for the first time this week to follow their chosen life path.  Although it's been several years since I first wrote this one, that feeling of watching one of your own move away is still fresh in my heart.  I have gone through it twice now and still have one more to go, and I can tell you that it doesn't get easier...But as Christians, we raise our children to love the Lord and to grow up to have an impact for Christ in the world.  That only happens as we give them the freedom to follow the path that God has called them to.  To be sure, there is a peace in that confidence but it still leaves a void in the heart and in the home.  The key, like so many things that we encounter in life, is that we must learn to simply leave it...

In His Hands

She left for college recently
My first born flown from the nest
And a piece of my heart is gone with her
Like it was pulled right from my chest
I know she is where she’s supposed to be
Of that I have no doubt
But how to deal with this hole inside
I’ll just have to figure out
I miss the hugs and kisses
And our private little talks
But through the wonder of what lies ahead
I feel like something has been lost
You see I loved her before I knew her
From the first heartbeat on the ultrasound
And with every “first” I watched her grow
Knowing that this was where she was bound
So even though life won’t be the same
I know God has a plan
And He loves her more than I ever could
So I’ll just leave it in His hands
And someday many years from now
When her own child moves away
She’ll understand with certainty
The way I feel today

Ps 127:4  As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

We raise them to one day leave the nest, but I think sometimes we underestimate just how hard it will be to let them fly.