It's Missions Emphasis time again at our church. Once a year we focus on, and think about the missionaries we support and the work that they do. We remind ourselves that the job of missions (and evangelism) is not just up to those who dedicate their lives on foreign fields, but it is also up to us here at home to remember to pray for them and to give to support them. I know that sometimes we tend to forget that even in the most remote parts of the world, it still costs money to operate and survive. But, here's the's not just missionaries that need our prayers and support. What about our own home churches? I heard a question that really stuck with me recently.."if everyone in your church gave just like you do, what kind of church would you have? Would the staff get paid on time? Would the electric bill and all the other expenses be taken care of?" You could take that thought beyond just giving to the areas of service and praying for the ministry and its leadership! There is a basic law of the universe, that God has created, that basically says, "you can not reap before you sow". I know that some will say..."just like a Baptist, always talking about money". But the fact of the matter is that it has never really been about money...the real issue for every Christian is.....
Desires of the
is your heart’s desire
is it that you crave
Is it
a closer walk with Him
has the power to save
Is it
life that’s more abundant
blessings multiplied
Or is
it temporal things you chase
fortune fame and pride
Do you
long for things that cannot last
lose sight of what cannot fail
whatever your heart desires most
surely the most telling tale
Do you
hope for joy in sorrow
And a
peace you can’t explain
Do you
look to Him for answers
find sunshine through the rain
see all the glittering treasures here
fleeting dreams at best
only what’s done for the Kingdom
pass the eternal test
it’s left to us to make a choice
dividends we’ll reap
keep the things we cannot lose
must give what we cannot keep
money time and energy
for the Lord
hundred million years from now
still be yielding great reward
Matt 16:26 For what is a
man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what
shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Ps 37:4 Delight
thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
God has made some wonderful and
powerful promises to us in His Word, unfortunately most of us are far too
easily distracted from what is truly important by what is so clearly
temporary. If we will only “delight”
ourselves in the Lord, then our desires will be right and God delights to give
us those desires.