Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas...
I haven't posted for a few be honest I wasn't even sure anyone would notice.  I know that God has given me these poems to be shared and that is the purpose for this site, but sometimes I wonder if it is making a difference or being a blessing to anyone at all.  But with Christmas right around the corner, I really wanted to share these two poems today as my way of wishing anyone who visits a very Merry Christmas.  Because when it comes right down to it, it's not about me but it's about the only thing that ultimately matters. The biggest, most important thing that has ever happened in the history of the world is....

The Miracle of Christmas

Love far beyond measure
To comprehend it, I can not
How a soul so unworthy
God sees without spot
The demonstration of God’s love
Of His mercy and grace
Was found in a lowly manger
In a baby’s tiny face
I’d like to have a time machine
To travel back through the ages
And talk to Mary and Joseph
From the Bible’s pages
Just what did they think
Did it feel very odd
To see the child’s shining face
And know they were looking at God
Did they fully understand
As they raised their little one
That the boy that they cared for
Was Messiah, God the Son
Oh the miracle of Christmas
From that time till this
Is that God gave us himself
So that heaven we would not miss
It’s much more than a season
Or a time of year or day
It’s the spirit of eternal love
Living in our hearts always

Luke 2:19 ... But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

It is clear from scripture that both Mary and Joseph knew and understood that the child they raised was the Messiah.  Did you ever stop to wonder at how strange that must have been for them?  Just how much or how clearly did they understand?  What was going through their minds that time when they thought they had lost Him, only to find Him in the temple, “about His Father’s business”.  They were just normal folks trying to do the right things as they cared for the Son of God.  Wow!?!

Merry Christmas
(A response to the politically correct)

Jesus Christ is Christmas
It’s the celebration of His birth
Strip away all of the tinsel
And you’ll find what Christmas is worth
The Baby born in a manger
Is Jehovah in human form
The same is the Man upon the cross
Whose body was beaten and torn
The world wants to take away Christmas
And replace it with holiday cheer
But it’s only the real meaning of Christmas
That allows for us to be near
To the God of all the ages
His presence we could never obtain
Except for the true meaning of Christmas
No lasting treasure could we ever gain
So as long as there’s breath in my body
And as long as my voice can be heard
I’ll repeat the phrase “Merry Christmas”
With all the meaning that’s found in God’s Word

Matt 1:18-25 & Luke 2:1-21

Instead of printing these two passages here, I would encourage you to take your Bible and read them for yourself.  One of my favorite family traditions was started when our kids were very small.  Before we open the first gift, we read the Christmas story.  As they have gotten older we have begun to share by each reading a portion.  It draws us together as a family and reminds us that Christmas is not about the gifts under the tree but rather the gift on the tree that was born in that simple manger.