Monday, December 31, 2012

No Words....
The voice inside my heart where all of these poems come from has been strangely silent for a while now.  It's not that God is not at work in my life, because I feel that He is doing more in this time to mold me than at any other time that I can remember.  
I had begun to wonder why there has not been a new poem, with all that is going on in my life,  since that is usually how my mind responds to things that effect my heart.  And then I began to think about all that I have to be grateful for.  All of the friends and loved ones that have given, or prayed for us, or sent a card, or just spoken a word of encouragement.  I began to realize that to properly express the fullness of all that God is doing in our lives and just how truly grateful we are, there really are.....

No Words

No words could ever fully tell
The depth of gratitude
Nor could my human tongue express
Our grateful attitude
For every prayer or thoughtful deed
For generosity bestowed
For encouragement and cards received
All mean more than anyone knows
No words will ever be enough
For all that’s in our hearts
So when we offer “thank you”
Just know you’ve played a part
In the grace that God has shown to us
Through the struggle that we face
The love of God we’ve seen in you
Has been an anchor in this place
Of testing and of trusting
And this we’re committed to
So for every kindness shown to us
Beyond words we are thankful for you

To our church family (and everyone that has
played a part in helping us through a very tough time)

Col 3:15
 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

I find it interesting that God puts such a high priority in the scriptures on being thankful.  So much so that He even lists unthankfulness right alongside blasphemers and unholy in 2Tim 3:2.  Do you think maybe that's because He knows that there is no way we can grow and mature as a Christian with an unthankful heart?  No matter what your situation, there is always something to be thankful for if you just pay attention.  An attitude of gratitude will go a long way in making even the worst circumstance easier to bare.