Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who You Are...
A dear friend encouraged me to not give up on this blog and so I want to post a couple of poems for today...One for circumspection and one just to remind us to be grateful.  This first one calls us to keep in mind that we have the power over the kind of person that we become.  Our mind as well as our character, is molded by what we ourselves allow inside.  So it's really up to you to decide...

Who You Are

Who you are
Is who you know
The things that you read
And the places you go
We become what we think
And we think what we see
It's a universal law
That affects you and me
We just can't escape it 
Or turn it about 
When it comes to a life
Garbage in garbage out
So it's easy to choose
Who you are in the end
It's all in what you think
And your companions and friends

I Cor. 15:33    Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

It is true that who you really are is who God knows you to be and not who others think you are.  The bible makes it clear that “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”.   That is why it is so important that a Christian must protect his thoughts and thereby guard his heart.

Check out Springtime in the Rockies on the next page