Friday, June 22, 2012

The Hardest Prayer...
What do you do when you are faced with something that you would have never imagined in your darkest dreams?  Is God still God to you when everything you know to be your life hangs in the balance?  I sat and watched yesterday as my best friend, my sweetheart, my wife, lay in a hospital bed fighting back from a major brain tumor surgery; and what now appears to be a subsequent stroke, and tried to figure out what it is that I am supposed to do next.  The mind wants to think that this can't really be happening to us, but it is.  The husband and dad inside me wants to figure out a way to fix it, but I can't.  The emotions just want things back the way they were, but they're not.  But in my spirit I desperately want my God to be glorified and I want our family to be a good commercial for Him; and that we can do if we will learn to pray...

The Hardest Prayer

We pray dear Lord for healing
We need your grace and peace
We plead for things that we think best
We petition for release
From the trouble and the burden
And the pressures that they bring
Crying out for mercy
When we’ve lost the will to sing
Our prayers can be so limited
By the circumstance we face
Teach us Father to lift our eyes
And bring us to the place
Where we learn to pray the hardest prayer
When the trials and struggles come
Beyond these things that we request
Not my will but thine be done

Lu 22:42-41  And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

How often do we, as Christians, talk about wanting to be more like Christ...But then, how many of us shrink and complain when the struggle or trials come.  I don't want to be that guy.  We serve the same good God in the trial that we serve in the blessing.  My savior finished the course that the Father had set for him, and because of that the whole earth has been impacted by the gospel.  I want to finish the course the Father has set for me and pray that someone else will be impacted for the kingdom by my life.